The NSA Has a Podcast

Steven Levy, writing for Wired: My first story for WIRED — yep, 31 years ago — looked at a group of “crypto rebels” who were trying to pry strong encryption technology from the government-classified world and send it into the mainstream. Naturally I attempted to speak to someone at the National Security Agency for comment… Read More »

It Sure Looks Like FineWoven is Dead

An anonymous reader shares a report: It seems like Apple is already moving on from FineWoven. After introducing the FineWoven brand with a series of very bad cases and accessories last year, it appears as though Apple opted not to release new cases featuring the material for the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro. Apple… Read More »

Sharks Deserting Coral Reefs as Oceans Heat Up, Study Shows

Sharks are deserting their coral reef homes as the climate crisis continues to heat up the oceans, scientists have discovered. From a report: This is likely to harm the sharks, which are already endangered, and their absence could have serious consequences for the reefs, which are also struggling. The reef sharks are a key part… Read More »

The Less-Efficient Market Hypothesis

Abstract of a paper by Clifford Asness of quant investor AQR Capital: Market efficiency is a central issue in asset pricing and investment management, but while the level of efficiency is often debated, changes in that level are relatively absent from the discussion. I argue that over the past 30+ years markets have become less… Read More »

Bending Spoons Plans To Cut 75% of WeTransfer Staff After Acquisition

An anonymous reader shares a report: Italy-based app company Bending Spoons, which owns Evernote and Meetup, is planning to lay off 75% of the staff of file transfer service WeTransfer, TechCrunch has learned. Bending Spoons acquired the Dutch company in July for an undisclosed amount. The company confirmed the plans for the WeTransfer layoff to… Read More »

Cabernet is the Most Popular Red Wine in the US. Can It Endure Climate Change?

Rising temperatures are threatening the future of Napa Valley’s prized cabernet sauvignon, forcing winemakers to adapt to increasingly severe heat waves. Some vineyards are experimenting with heat-tolerant grape varieties to blend with cabernet, while others are investing in cooling technologies. The shift poses significant risks for Napa’s multibillion-dollar wine industry. U.S. regulations require wines labeled… Read More »