Category Archives: Slashdot

Linux Kernel 6.11 is Out

Linux creator Linus Torvalds has released version 6.11 of the open-source operating system kernel. The new release, while not considered major by Torvalds, introduces several notable improvements for AMD hardware users and Arch Linux developers. ZDNet: This latest version introduces several enhancements, particularly for AMD hardware users, while offering broader system improvements and new capabilities.… Read More »

Amazon CEO Tells Employees To Return To Office Five Days a Week

Amazon is instructing corporate staffers to spend five days a week in the office, CEO Andy Jassy wrote in a memo on Monday. From a report: The decision marks a significant shift from Amazon’s earlier return-to-work stance, which required corporate workers to be in the office at least three days a week. Now, the company… Read More »

How Intel Lost the Sony PlayStation Business

Intel lost a bid to design and manufacture Sony’s PlayStation 6 chip in 2022, dealing a blow to its contract manufacturing business. The contract, worth potentially billions in revenue, went to rival AMD after Intel failed to agree on pricing with Sony, Reuters reported Monday. Discussions between the companies spanned months and involved top executives.… Read More »

Nobel Prize-Winner Tallies Two More Retractions, Bringing Total To 13

Retraction Watch: A Nobel prize-winning genetics researcher has retracted two more papers, bringing his total to 13. Gregg Semenza, a professor of genetic medicine and director of the vascular program at Johns Hopkins’ Institute for Cell Engineering in Baltimore, shared the 2019 Nobel prize in physiology or medicine for “discoveries of how cells sense and… Read More »

Microsoft Has Scrapped Edge’s Big UI Refresh With Rounded Tabs

Microsoft has abandoned plans to overhaul its Edge browser interface, scrapping the design choice unveiled in February 2023. The redesign — featuring a sleeker look with rounded tab buttons and increased blur effects — aimed to give Edge a distinct identity as the company pushed into AI services. The new design never officially launched and… Read More »

China Raises Retirement Age For First Time Since 1950s

China will “gradually raise” its retirement age for the first time since the 1950s, as the country confronts an ageing population and a dwindling pension budget. From a report: The top legislative body on Friday approved proposals to raise the statutory retirement age from 50 to 55 for women in blue-collar jobs, and from 55… Read More »

NASA To Develop Lunar Time Standard for Exploration Initiatives

NASA will coordinate with U.S. government stakeholders, partners, and international standards organizations to establish a Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC) following a policy directive from the White House in April. From a report: The agency’s Space Communication and Navigation (SCaN) program is leading efforts on creating a coordinated time, which will enable a future lunar ecosystem… Read More »

Multiple Attacks Force CISA to Order US Agencies to Upgrade or Remove End-of-Life Ivanti Appliance

On Tuesday Ivanti issued a “high severity vulnerability” announcement for version 4.6 of its Cloud Service Appliance (or CSA). “Successful exploitation could lead to unauthorized access to the device running the CSA.” And Friday that announcement got an update: Ivanti “has confirmed exploitation of this vulnerability in the wild.” While Ivanti released a security update,… Read More »