Tumblr To Move Its Half a Billion Blogs To WordPress

By | August 28, 2024
Tumblr is making the move to WordPress. After its 2019 acquisition by WordPress.com parent company Automattic in a $3 million fire sale, the new owner has focused on improving Tumblr’s platform and growing its revenue. Now Automattic will shift Tumblr’s back end over to WordPress, Automattic said in a blog post published on Wednesday. From a report: The company clarified that it will not change Tumblr into WordPress; it will just run on WordPress. “We acquired Tumblr to benefit from its differences and strengths, not to water it down. We love Tumblr’s streamlined posting experience and its current product direction,” the post explained. “We’re not changing that. We’re talking about running Tumblr’s backend on WordPress. You won’t even notice a difference from the outside,” it noted.

Automattic says the move to WordPress will have its advantages, as it will make it easier to share the company’s work across the two platforms. That is, Automattic’s team will be able to build tools and features that work on both services, while Tumblr will be able to take advantage of the open source developments that take place on WordPress.org. In addition, WordPress will be able to benefit from the “tools and creativity” that are invested into Tumblr.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.