The drama at H follows the quasi-acquisitions of Inflection, Adept and Character, which were each less than three years old and founded mostly by ex-Google AI researchers. Reka, another AI developer in this category, was in talks to be acquired by Snowflake earlier this year. Those talks, which could have valued the company at $1 billion, fell apart in May. AI image developer Ideogram, also cofounded by four ex-Googlers, has spoken with at least one later-stage tech startup about potential sale opportunities, though the talks didn’t seem to go anywhere, according to someone involved in the discussions.
Cohere, whose CEO co-authored a seminal Google research paper about transformers with Noam Shazeer, the ex-CEO of Character, has also faced growing questions about its relatively meager revenue compared to its rivals. For now, though, it has a lot of money in the bank. Has someone put a curse on startups founded by ex-Google AI researchers?
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