The experimental setup was fairly simple. The researchers hooked up electroactive hydrogels to a simulated virtual environment of a Pong game using a custom-built electrode array. The games would start with the ball traveling in a random direction. The hydrogels tracked the ball’s position via electrical stimulation and tracked the paddle’s position by measuring the distribution of ions in the hydrogels. As the games progressed, the researchers measured how often the hydrogel managed to hit the ball with the paddle. They found that, over time, the hydrogels’ accuracy improved, hitting the ball more frequently for longer rallies. They reached their maximum potential for accuracy in about 20 minutes, compared to 10 minutes for the DishBrain. The authors attribute this to the ion movement essentially mapping out a “memory” of all motion over time, exhibiting what appears to be emergent memory functions within the material itself. Perhaps the next step will be to “teach” the hydrogels how to align the paddles in such a way that the rallies go on indefinitely.
Read more of this story at Slashdot.